Friday, November 9, 2007

Wow my Poker Bankroll took a major hit!

What's up everyone I'm in good spirits even tho took a major hit in my bankroll!

Recently! I took a huge dent in my poker bankroll so went online to look for ways on how to make money to sustain the ups and downs of playing poker online. I cam across writing for money and with technology nowadays its easier to make money with information. Hopefully I will have some success, learn new things and have fun while getting paid to do so. I've withdrew all my earnings from the various sites I play to have a fresh start and to chart my progress. I want to benchmark my earnings! Will be on a zero bankroll for poker and will play freerolls to start things up. I think the key here will be patience! I won't be able to play my favorite game which is Omaha Hi/Lo as often but will improve my Texas Holdem. Trying to invest with no capitol is a HUGE upward battle! Wish me luck and I'll keep you guys informed on my progress.

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